Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cesare Lombroso

Cesare Lombroso was born in November 6, 1835, in Verona, Italy. He was an University professor and an Italian criminologist who studied medicine in Paiva University and got his degree in 1858 when he was 23 years old. His specialization was in mental diseases and his life was take care people with mental disturbs.

Lombroso wrote many books. His revolutionary ideas founded the Positive School of Penal Rights. One part of his studies showed about criminals behavior. According Lombroso some criminals have same characteristics like insensibly pain, cynicism, vanity, without moral sense, laziness, impulsive character.

Other scientific research that he did was about Legal Medicine. He studied the physical and mental criminal characters and concluded his theories about character logia. Lombroso tried to relate some physical characteristics with the criminal psychopathology that is the inactive tendency of sociopath individual with criminal behavior. Lombroso had in mind to take attention for the importance of Scientifics studies of criminal mind that after was known like criminal anthropology.

In his research he used to study the size of the criminal’s jaw, the brain form, the bone’s structure and the biological hereditary that enclosed anatomic , physiologic and mental factors. The theory base was the “atavism” it is a kind of retrocession to the primitive human. “The criminal genetically is determinate for the evil by congeners reasons. It’s an innate trend for the crime.”(LOMBROSO, 2007 p.7)

According Lombroso, the criminals aren’t totality victims from social and educational circumstances. They suffer with hereditary tendency, they are sick, the delinquency is a sickness.

The Lombroso’s theory is based in more than 400 necropsies and 6 thousand analysis in criminals living. And the atavism he used in his hard studies 25 thousand prisoners in Europe. The native criminal according his theory have some body’s characteristics: in the criminal livings, occipital lump, run away forehead, salient extreme arcs, twisted nose, thick lips, excessively long arms, great hands, polydactyl dental arches. (Calhau, 2003)

Many people don’t agree with Lombrosians theories. After many studies some scientists concluded with many medical verifications that kind of classifications is not effective. But, Lombroso’s theories help the modern Science. Because Lombroso Scientists could studied more and get another conclusions. Lombroso’s observations were very important to the rights in that time. He started the criminal observation.