Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Something about him

Name: Ernesto Guevara de La Serna.

Place of Birth: Rosario City, Argentina Country.
Date of birth and death: June 14, 1928 to October 9, 1967 (aged 39).
Place of death: La Higuera, Bolivia.
Occupation: photographer, doctor and guerrilla.

He is known also as Che Guevara or El Che. He is the most famous Revolutionary Communist of History, according Time Magazine, a North American magazine, and he is considerate one between a hundred personalities more important by 20th century.

Ernesto is from rich Argentine family. He was two years old when suffered his first asthma attack. It was very difficult for his family, because the attack was strong and he did not appear improvement in his health. Then, the most of his alphabetization was with his mother at home. His mother had a big library at home with about three thousands books. Between his favorites authors were Marx, Engels and Lenin. When he was twelve or thirteen years old, he used to read often. He read Julio Verne, Alexandre Dumas, Baudelaire, Neruda and Freud until fifteen years old.

In 1944, Che’s family lost a lot of money and he needed to work to help his family. But, he never to stop to study. In December 1946, Che Guevara started a Medicine course in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In that year Che Guevara was been failed in a military program because his sensible health. In 1951, six months before to finish his Medicine Course, he decided to stop the course and with Alberto Granado to travel to Buenos Aires to Caracas’s Continents by an old motorcycle, nicknamed La Poderosa II. In this travel, Che could see the Latino America like an unique economic and cultural entity. He visited the poor population and saw the miserable population and their bad life conditions. He regressed to Argentina in 1953 and finished his Medicine studies. Soon after he started his dedication to politics jobs. In this same year, he worked like photographer reporter in the Pan Americans Games in Mexico and in July this year he went to his second travel by Latina America. There he was visited Bolivia, Peru, Equador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Because he had seen a lot of misery, people suffering and impotence from these poor people, he concluded that the unique form to finish that social inequalities was to change the political administrate in the world. After that, he knew Fidel Castro and together they started a plan for their goal that was “The Social Equality”. Guevara wanted to give the communism system to all Latina America and he really believed that the guerilla was the right way for this. From Cuba’s Revolution until his death, Che Guevara had three loses. The first was in Argentina in 1964. The second was one year after in the actual Republic Democratic of the Congo. And de last one was in Bolivia, where he was been executed in October 9, 1967, with nine shots in a school addressed in La Higuerra. His death interrupted his dream, it was to extend the Cuban Revolution to Latina America. But, his ideas stilled popular between some groups of people whose objectives are same of Che Guevara.

Guevara’s body disappeared after his execution. And he was been founded in 1997, when the world remembered the 30 years of his death. The body was without hands that were amputated few days after his death. In October 17, 1997, Che was been buried with honor in Santa Clara, a city of Cuba. His family and Fidel Castro were there. Although his ideas were romantics to the global world, Che Guevara was transformed in a Revolution’s icon of History by 20th century and an example of political coherence by part of humanity. His death determined a hero’s born and still been the symbol of resistance to some countries from Latino America.

For him to arrive in his target, Che Guevara executed many people. We cannot forget that it was a guerilla. And because Guevara’s executions these opinions from people are divided. Some agree others don’t. The questions are: Was Guevara’s philosophy of life correct? Could he to get another way to resolve that cause without deaths? Why to talk about him still dividing opinions? Why a group of people love him and why other groups hate him?

It is too honorable to exterminate the misery of the world. To help people whose these they are suffering a lot. There are in the world many people suffering a log in our time. Everything changed today. People can think free in the most of the countries of the world. Who know if Che Guevara was right or wrong? Some people will answer: the families that he killed the relatives. But other will answer: the families that helped a lot. It is a big contradictory when opinions are very different. Or people love him or people hate him. It depends of ignorance or intelligence from every one.

The big curiosity is about Che Guevara’s photography. In March 5, 1960, 50 years ago, Alberto Días, the Korda, toke Che Guevara’s photo. That image is the most famous photography of the time. The picture shows Che Guevara looking many people that went to the funeral of 136 victims from an attack to one French ship that transported a lot of arms. Korda, was a photographer from a newspaper named Revolución. He was there to photograph French writers as Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, that was listening Fidel Castro’s discourse.

The newspaper Revolución didn’t publication about Guevara’s picture in the next day. But, with the time, the image from Guevara using a beret, looking serious and petrified to the population was transformed in an era icon. This picture was reproduced by political objectives or commercials. The picture can have many signified or just being popular in common t-shirts, painted in walls, tattooed, parodied, idolatrized and repudiated. The Korda’s picture about Che Guevara is one of the most famous picture in the world. The photographer Korda never got money from it.

google image

The historic photography

Korda looking his photo

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